For the past couple years I have decided that I wanted the other teachers in my school to take part in spreading art throughout the building as well as getting the students connected to it in other areas.
Last year I had the teachers decorate a Dalmatian puppy in order to spread the 101 Dalmatians throughout the school. This school year I am doing video games and I decided to have the teachers create themselves as Lego characters. I figured there are several different Lego video games out with various characters and they are pretty recognizable for students and staff alike so it was going to be a fun project for all!
Many of the teachers have taken part in the fun activity and displayed their creations outside of their classrooms so the students can see their work! I love to get the teachers creating new and exciting things as well as the students. Here are a few of their characters:
- Head Maintence Worker
- High School Social Studies Teacher
- MIddle School Math Teacher
- Director of Student Life
- 1st Grade Teacher
- High School Science Teacher
- DK Teacher
- 1st Grade Teacher
- Mine
- High School Math Teacher
- 5th Grade Teacher