- The Scream
- A student
- Students made completely out of magazine pages
- Puppy
- An Angel
- Buck
- Students as South Park Characters
- Liberty Bell
- Student at home
- Turkey
- iCarly
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Heisman Trophy
- Cup of scissors
- Rocket
- Student with Family Guy Characters
- Chain Chomp
- Scene from my Wedding
- Students in cartoon form
- Cartoon Dinosaur
- White House
- Bart with his chalkboard
- Justin Beiber
- Mandala
- Gummy Bears
- Bulletstorm Character
- Scene from Finding Nemo
- Leprechan at the end of the Rainbow
- Lunar Eclipse
- The Big House
- Dragons
- Mario
- Father Larry
- Mixed-up Mr. Potato Head
- A teacher from the school on his wedding day
- Kittens
- Football Players playing Table Tennis
- Rubiks Cube
- Fly Fishing
- Count Chocula
- Quiddich Game
- Gary from Spongebob
- Duct Tape Flower
- Dirt Bike
- Elephant
- Bunny
- Times Square
- A student with his own superhero signal
- A Cross
- Creature with head of a bunny, body of a tiger, legs of an elephant and tail of a lion
- Daisy
- Sandy from Spongebob
- Student
- Stop Sign
- Jack and Sally
- Chief
- Lady Bug
- Ozzy Osbourne
- Waluigi
- Nazi Zombies
- Orca
- Zombie Clown from Zombieland
- Harry Potter Scene
- Dr. Phil
- Dogs playing Poker
- Fancy Shoe
- Dinosaurs
- Op Art
- Money
- Student
- Play Set
- Chicken with colorful eggs
- My own superhero, Firefly Man
- Lego Indian Jones
- Chucky
- Wedding Rings
- Justin Timberlake
- Student on a large pile of Money
- Student with the bats wings and horns of a deer
- Red Wings
- Squidward from Spongebob
- Disney Castle
- Student
- Kanye West
- Sharkboy and Lavagirl
- Effiel Tower
- Klondike Bar (Pops up)
- Pilgrims
- Purple Minotaur
- Baby Lady Gaga
- Aretha Franklin
- General Patton
- Epic Pokemon Battle
- Student going through the drivethru
- One of the Seven Deadly Sins in human form
- Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson
- Hippowdon
- Students
- Shakespear’s Theater
- Luigi
- Midnight for Charlie Bones
- Batman, Robin, and the Joker
- Emoticons
- Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
- Patrick from Spongebob
- Jesus
- Student running from the cops
- Scooby Doo Gang
- Bomb-omb
- Ice cream with all of my favorite foods on it
- Train from Polar Express
- Celtic Design
- Taylor Swift
- Spartan Helmet
- Peace
- Excitement
- My Mom
- Hunting
- Unicorn
- Tigger
- The Beatles
- Student as a cupid
- Forest Gump
- My Classroom
- Taj Mahal
- Student
- Spartan
- Penguin in sombreo
- Student
- iPad
- Spongebob
- Skull
- My Word Wall
- Scissors transforming into a Duck
- Crossbow hunting
- Cool Girl
- Baseball Field
- Self Portrait
- Hippies
- Tom and Jerry
- Student
- V-J Day in Times Square
- Canadian Flag
- Monster Energy
- Flag
- A Baby (me as a baby)
- Students colored using Pointilism
- Colored Pencils
- Mouse with cheese
- Napolean
- Lion
- Saints Logo
- Pumpkin
- South Park
- 007
- Student
- XBox 360
- Mona Lisa
- Grover from Percy Jackson
- Kim Kardashian
- Mr. Krabs from Spongebob
- Chicago Cubs winning the World Series
- Winston Churchill
- Fairy
- Millipede
- Goku
- Cheerleaders
- Vampire Warewolf
- Shania Twain
- Tommy Boy
- Mary
- Maximus from Tangled
- Pigs flying
- Sesame Street Characters
- Nike Ones
- Donkey Kong
- Hannah Montana
- Origami Swan
- George Bush
- Sports Collage
- Michael Jackson
- Abstract Art
- Halo Character
- Power Ranger
- Jersey Shore
- A Map of the World
- Art Supplies
- Horseback riding
- Chiron from Percy Jackson
- Puppy
- Eeyore
- Scene from Glee
- The Blindeside
- Camera
- Bob the Builder
- Halo Character
- Zeus and Hera
- Dolphins
- Hot air Balloons
- Landscape
- Student in the future
- Heart